A meeting was held today with the principal and teachers of Orde Copela in order to plan the initial activities for the construction of the Green Lab activities at the school within the framework of the Erasmus project GREEN VET 4 SDG.
The world is at a critical point, facing urgent environmental challenges. Education plays a vital role in shaping solutions. That’s why Green VET for SDG is on a mission to: ✅ Integrate greening into VET curricula ✅ Empower teachers and students with sustainability skills ✅ Raise awareness of environmental issues […]
Our last blended meeting took place in Senigallia, Italy from 4-9.06.2023. From our organization we had two adults with disabilities that participated, alongside their assistants. On this meeting we were able to test out three of the tools we created, which were introduced through a workshop. The participants had the […]
After all of the preparations in our last meeting, we finally had blended mobility in which adults with disabilities were included alongside their assistants. From our organization we were able to bring two adults with disabilities and their assistants. In this meeting in Zagreb we tested two of the tools […]
On this short meeting we were finally able to be face to face with our partners from Italy, Croatia and Macedonia, while Germany joined us online. On the first day we discussed around the organization for our accommodation in Zagreb, where we’ll have mixed mobility with adults with disabilities. We […]
The goal of out meeting in Germany was to look over the activities of all of the countries. In the previous two months, each of the partnering countries came up with three selected tools which were selected with the help of people who work with adults with disabilities. Throughout meeting, […]
On our second meeting in Prilep we had a goal to suggest and then develop tools that will help us work with adults with disabilities. Each one of the partners in the project had to suggest a few tools/methods for worth with adults with disabilities, in order to enhance their […]
After numerous online meetings of the partner organizations and one delay for a meeting in Italy due to the situation with COVID-19, we finally had the opportunity to begin with a realization of the activities from the project. On out first meeting in Zagreb: We shared the situation and experiences […]
Advance Up-Skill online learning sessions are now complete and partners have started the pilot of this in their countries. You can join and develop your key learning competences in an innovative and interactive way, available now in 4 languages: in English: https://www.scottishwideraccess.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=13 in Macedonian: https://www.scottishwideraccess.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=16 in Romanian: https://www.scottishwideraccess.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=15 in Dutch: https://www.scottishwideraccess.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=14
From 14th to 18th November 2022, Knowledge Harvest attended the Comm(on)-line project in Belgium, together with the partnering organizations from Tenerife-Spain, Iceland and Scotland. Our host and project partner – KISP, were kind to welcome us into their educational system where from day one we got to learn more about […]