On 10 and 11th of October 2022 Transnational Project Meeting 3 of ADVANCE project was maintained in Iasi, Romania, hosted by Asociatia Formare Studia.. It was the end and summary of IO2 of the project and kick off of IO3. There was management update about IO2 and IO3 workload and […]
From 24th to 28th October 2022, Knowledge Harvest was in Glasgow, Scotland. Within the Comm(On)-line project, together with partners from Tenerife-Spain, Belgium and Iceland, we were doing peer evaluation of our host and project partner – Scottish Wider Access Programme (West) SCIO (SWAPWest). SWAP West’s main goal is to ensure […]
On September 26 and 27 in Reykjavík, Iceland, a TPM meeting was held for all partner organizations that working together in the Erasmus + project, Commonline. At the meeting was discussed about the achievements/changes in those countries where peer evaluations took place, the effect peer evaluation report provided by us, […]
From 19 to 21 September in Prilep and Ohrid we had LTTA event within the ADVANCE project. The partners of the KA2 project Advance – App-skill yourself came together to test the app DigiSkill that is being developed within this project. DigiSkill app is almost ready and it will be […]
It is an exciting time in the ADVANCE Project! We have completed the module development for our digital competence upskilling tools package. In Romania, Formare Studia is creating video tutorials to support learner engagement with the module and to enhance interactivity. Finally, in the Netherlands, Slip is continuing to build […]
Partners developed and tested the curricula for 5 courses that will help people upskill their digital competences. Now it’s time to concentrate on the development of the app. Here is a sneak peak of what we have done so far:
The partner organisations from Belgium, Spain, North Macedonia and Scotland and Island continue with the Erasmus+ project, this time in Iceland. Our colleagues Roberta and Katerina traveled to Island last week to represent our school. A week of fruitful debate and learning in a country of contrasts where they visited […]
From 13.02.2022 to 19.02.2022 members of Zhetva na znaenje were in Santa Cruz de Tenerife to review the teaching and learning of blended courses in EOI Santa Cruz de Tenerife, as part of the KA2 project – Creating guiding & coaching a PLC in an online environment.
On 17 and 18th of January 2022 we hosted Transnational Project Meeting 2 of ADVANCE project. It was the end and summary of the first phase of the project and kick off of the second phase. Barbara and Tim from KOV – Belgium presented the summary of the IO1. The […]
Советот на Европа е најстарата и најголемата европска организација. Со 47 држави-членки, вклучително и РСМ, ја покрива скоро целата географска Европа и ги засега животите на над 800 милиони луѓе кои живеат овде. Советот на Европа е чувар на човековите права за граѓаните на Европа, на демократијата и владеењето на […]