EaseToBe I, Zagreb 23-27 of May, 2022

After numerous online meetings of the partner organizations and one delay for a meeting in Italy due to the situation with COVID-19, we finally had the opportunity to begin with a realization of the activities from the project.

On out first meeting in Zagreb:

  • We shared the situation and experiences of each country compared to the adults with disabilities, in general and in more in depth examples about their active involvement in the society;
  • We gathered excellent education from the hosts about their methods of work with adults with disabilities, with a special accent on their active citizenship;
  • We went to two different homes with 4-5 adults with disabilities and one assistant and we saw the conditions in which they live in through a conversation with them and the assistant:
  • We visited the day center of the partnering organization where through conversation with the adults with disabilities and their assistants we saw they activities that they manage to accomplish;
  • We agreed on what needs to be done until out meeting and on our meeting in Macedonia.

Our hosts, real professionals on this field, were able to allow us a guide and insight on what we need to work on until the end of the project. We gathered new knowledge and experiences to see how the active citizenship of adults with disabilities comes to life.